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Meeting Room Policy

Bridgeville Public Library Meeting Room Policy

The Library will provide meeting room space in this priority:

Priority 1: Library sponsored programs

Priority 2: Official meetings and programs sponsored by or conducted by the Town of Bridgeville

Priority 3: Non-profit civic, educational and cultural groups

Priority 4: Private, for-profit businesses (subject to board approval)

The usage fees for the meeting room are as follows:

Full day (more than 4 hours)          For-profit:  $150                Non-profit: $50

Half day (less than 4 hours)           For-profit:   $75                 Non-profit: $50

All applicants are subject to the rules and regulations listed below.

The meeting room cannot be used for personal events such as birthday parties, baby showers, etc.

Use of the library meeting room does not imply endorsement by the library staff or Trustees of the viewpoints presented.

  • All announcements, press releases, flyers, etc. relating to meetings must clearly state the meeting is not sponsored by the Bridgeville Public Library.
  • All publicity must include the following statement: “This event is not sponsored by the Bridgeville Public Library.”
  • A copy of publicity must be provided for our records.

No programs may be disruptive of the library or its functions.

Events must be held during regular library hours and must end 30 minutes before the library closes. Exceptions approved by the Library Director or the board.

Business Hours are as follows:

  • Monday & Friday: 10 am – 5 pm
  • Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday: 10am – 7pm
  • Saturday: 10 am – 2 pm

Groups using the room are responsible for setting up the room to meet their own needs.

  • Tables and chairs are provided. Charges will be assessed for damages.
  • Exits must remain accessible.

The group is responsible for leaving the room in the condition in which it was found. Charges will be assessed for damages or required extra cleanup. Groups using the kitchenette facility must bring their own food, drinks, utensils and paper products. The kitchenette must be cleaned up when the meeting is over. No smoking, alcoholic beverages or illegal substances may be dispensed or consumed on Library property. Open flames of any kind are not permitted anywhere in the Library building. Nothing may be attached to the walls or equipment in the meeting rooms.

Subject to availability, the following audiovisual equipment may be used in the Bridgeville Library meeting room: DVD player, projector, projection screen, microphones and conference equipment. There is no charge for the use of the equipment. The library cannot provide operators for the equipment. If instruction is required for equipment operation, it is mandatory that a representative of the group set up an appointment with staff in advance.

The Library can not be held responsible for the injury of any person while they are using the library meeting room. The library also is not responsible for materials, equipment, or other personal belongings left in the library meeting room by users. The Library accepts no responsibility for the liability of groups meeting in the Library. Groups are encouraged to provide liability insurance for their members.

The meeting room capacity is limited to 200 people. Children must be supervised by adults (at least one adult for 10 children). Accidents must be reported immediately to the library staff. The number of people attending must be reported to the library for statistical purposes. A form will be provided for you.

The Library Board of Trustees will be required for any use of the Meeting Room which does not clearly fit the stated Use Policy. The Board reserves the right to cancel or suspend permission granted to any person, group or organization that violates the MEETING ROOM POLICY. The Library reserves the right to revoke meeting room privileges at any time. Failure to adhere to these regulations will result in discontinuance of the group's use of the Meeting Room.

Bridgeville Library · 600 South Cannon Street · Bridgeville, DE 19933      302.337.7401

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