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How Do I?

Get a library card

It is simple to get a library card. To register for a library card, visit the circulation desk at the library. You will be asked to provide a valid driver's license or state identification card with your correct address. Children under the age of 18 must have a parent or guardian present to sign for the card.

If you do not reside in the State of Delaware, you may fill out an application for a non-resident library card. An out of state fee does apply. Ask the circulation desk for more details.

Check out a book

In order to check out a book from the library, you must have a valid Delaware Library Card. Bring your books up to the circulation desk and we will assist you with checking out your materials.

Find a book

You can search the entire Delaware Library Catalog online. Visit Library Catalog. Computers are placed throughout the library that provide access to the catalog of books. If you need assistance finding something in particular, or need help using the catalog, please see one of our staff members for help.

Reserve a book

If the material you wish to get is not available at our library, you can place a "hold" on the materials so that when it becomes available, it will be reserved for you. You can place these holds using the Delaware Library Catalog, or one of our staff members will be happy to assist you.

Renew Checkouts

If you are not finished with the materials you have checked out from the library, you may renew the materials by visiting the library, online, or over the phone. Please note that if the item is currently on hold for another patron, it can not be renewed. Also some items may only be renewed a certain number of times.

Return my materials

To return the materials you have checked out from the library, you can drop them at the circulation desk during normal business hours, or utilize the drop box that is outside the front door. Additionally, you can return the materials at any Delaware Library.

Library Resources

Delaware Library Card

Ask A Librarian
Universal Class

Bridgeville Library · 600 South Cannon Street · Bridgeville, DE 19933      302.337.7401

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